

The EyeVision software runs independent of the platform and integrates a large number of hardware
for image recording and communication.
Special EVHD (EyeVision Virtual Hardware Device)
software modules are necessary for integration.

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EyeVision Standard Image Processing Software Package

Product no.: EV-Standard

(price on request)

The EyeVision Standard package:

  1. is available for the operating systems: Windows and Linux
  2. supports interfaces such as: USB, GigE, RS232, FireWire, Camera Link, CoaXPress, etc.
  3. has a graphical user interface (GUI)
  4. drag-and-drop function offers a creation of inspection programs, where programming skills are not necessary
  5. contains about 100 commands (command overview) such as e.g.:
  • Image capture
  • Free calliper
  • Object counter (BLOB)
  • Commands for edge detection
  • various filter commands
  • Commands for measurement
  • Commands for geometry

The price refers to the single process version of the software. If more than one camera is used with the same PC, then on request and for a small surcharge a multi process version is available (for 2 to 8 cameras)

Product data sheet
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Delivery period: 15 working days

EyeVision Professional Image Processing Software Package

Product no.: EV-Professional

(price on request)

The EyeVision Standard package:

  1. contains all EVHD VICs
  2. SDK for plugin programming
  3. is available for the operating systems: Windows and Linux
  4. supports interfaces such as: USB, GigE, RS232, FireWire, Camera Link, CoaXPress, etc.
  5. has a graphical user interface (GUI)
  6. drag-and-drop function offers a creation of inspection programs, where programming skills are not necessary
  7. contains over 100 commands (command overview) such as e.g.:
  • Image capture
  • Free calliper
  • Object counter (BLOB)
  • Commands for edge detection
  • various filter commands
  • Commands for measurement
  • Commands for geometry

The price refers to the single process version of the software. If more than one camera is used with the same PC, then on request and for a small surcharge a multi process version is available (for 2 to 8 cameras)

Product data sheet
In stock
Delivery period: 15 working days

EyeVision Basic Image Processing Software Package

Product no.: EV-Basic

(price on request)

The EyeVision Basic package:

  1. is available for the operating systems: Windows and Linux
  2. supports interfaces such as: USB, GigE, RS232, FireWire, Camera Link, CoaXPress, etc.
  3. has a graphical user interface (GUI)
  4. drag-and-drop function offers a creation of inspection programs, where programming skills are not necessary
  5. contains about 23 commands (command overview) such as e.g.:
  • image capture
  • free calliper
  • overlay commands, etc.

The price refers to the single process version of the software. If more than one camera is used with the same PC, then on request and for a small surcharge a multi process version is available (for 2 to 8 cameras)

Product data sheet
In stock
Delivery period: 15 working days

EyeVision 3D image processing software

Product no.: EyeVision 3D-W-MP

(price on request)

  1. is available for the operating systems: Windows and Linux
  2. supports interfaces such as: USB, GigE, RS232, FireWire, Camera Link, CoaXPress, etc.
  3. has a graphical user interface (GUI)
  4. drag-and-drop function offers a creation of inspection programs, where programming skills are not necessary
  5. contains about 25 commands for 3D capture and evaluation such as e.g.:
  • 3D Calibration
  • 3D Blob (Binary Large Objects)
  • 3D Height
  • 3D Geometry
  • 3D Position Adjustment
  • etc.

The price refers to the single process version of the software. If more than one camera is used with the same PC, then on request and for a small surcharge a multi process version is available (for 2 to 8 cameras)

In stock
Delivery period: 15 working days
* Prices plus VAT, plus delivery